Crystal Right is a synthetic zeolite but without impurities and with predefined grain sizes developed for the treatment of well water.
Thanks to its unique crystal structure Crystal-Right remove hardness, iron and manganese and increases the pH.
The Pollet Water Group is the exclusive distributor of Crystal Right in Europe.
- Removes at the same time iron, manganese and hardness by ion exchange
- Removes manganese, difficult to remove by classic oxidation
- Absorption of NH3
- Increases the pH (absorption H+)
- Excellent filtration of non-dissolved particles
- A regeneration needs 30% less NaCl than when using classic softeners resins
- Chlorine has no negative impact on Crystal Right and is stronly advised when regenerating to counterattack the proliferation of bacteries.
- No specific requirements for pumps as the backwash flow is lower than the service flow
- Delivered in convenient bags of 22,7kg (28,3L)
- When used appropriately, Crystal Right has a lifetime of 10 year
Terms of Use
- Crystal right is used for the treatment of non-oxidized iron and manganese (water originating from wells and boreholes.)
- CR 100: minimal hardness (50mg/L); TDS > 80 mg/L; pH between 5,7 en 14. Maximum content of iron- and manganese:15 mg / L
- CR 200: minimal hardness (50mg/L); TDS > 80 mg/L; pH between 7 en 14. Maximum content of iron- and manganese:15 mg/L
- Capacity CR100: 30g/L resin; CR200: 40g/L resin. For the removal of NH3, CR100 is to be used.
- Crystal Right cannot be rinced with classic resin cleaners, CR Clear Out is to be used.
Price Per Pack
- 1 cuft